I Miss Writing (Life Happens to Get Busy, I Guess)

19 01 2014

Well, here I am again, almost a month after writing my last entry. I was writing every Sunday for a couple of years, then life just got busy. It’s not like there was one single event that happened, just that it got easier to avoid the computer and not put my thoughts together. (Not that I don’t go to the computer every day, just that I didn’t take the time to write my blog.)

It’s not even writer’s block. I don’t know about you, but I sometimes feel guilty we have all of this technology. It can consume our lives.

Admitedly, surfing can consume my life, too, but that is for a later blog. Right now, here is what I mean: I have an iPhone, with all of my favorite apps and even the WordPress.com app (of course, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, plus games), I have an iMac that I can check my other e-mail accounts (I have 3 e-mails, plus my wife and kids each have thiers), I have my GoPro that I feel naked without if it’s not with my on EVERY surf trip (believe me, I have a lot I haven’t written about), and so on, and so on.

I think it just gets to be too much and something has to fall by the way side. That just happened to be this blog site.

I opened a Tumblr thinking it would be easier to post my videos without having to write much about them and I can’t even maintain that. It literally takes 2 minutes to put it all together on that site.

Anyway, it’s 2014 and I’m ready to tackle this writing thing somehow some way, again. Hopefully I can catch up on some of my surf trips with you. They aren’t really ever that far from home, but they are what helps keep my work weeks in check. My grounding still comes from God and if I had to give up everything for Him, I would do that (as I wrote that it was hard to fathom if He asked me to quit surfing….). Well, that would have to be true because I know there’s no surfing in hell no matter what we want to believe.

I hope 2013 was all you needed it to be, and that 2014 will be even better. I see some big changes on the horizon for me, and that’s just what I can see, let alone the things that come in that I can’t see.

Here’s a little of what my son and I did Christmas Day, 2013.

These movies are easy enough to make, but become time consuming, too. I guess because life happens to get busy.

Thank you and God bless,

Surfer Yoda



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